As I was reading Luke 5 today with my kids, I really identified with Peter. Jesus told him to go out into the deep and let down his nets for a catch. He felt it necessary to tell Jesus that he had toiled all night and caught nothing… nevertheless, I will do as you say. How often have I been called by God to do something, and instead of just saying, “Yes, Sir,” I say, “Lord, I’ve tried this. Over and over. And I couldn’t succeed… but I’ll do what you say…” You can almost hear the questioning in my voice. My uncertainty.

Peter went out and did as the Lord commanded, and not only did he catch fish, but he caught so many that his nets were starting to break, and he had to call his partners in a second boat to come and help him. The fish filled both of their boats so much that they began to sink! It was beyond an imaginable catch, and it moved Peter to cry out to the Lord, falling down at His knees, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” He recognized the state of his heart.

Jesus in His longsuffering and compassionate nature said, “Do not be afraid.” Peter saw how great Jesus was, and how unworthy he was himself. He knew nothing good could come of himself. But Jesus said to Peter, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.”

It reminded me of Psalm 127:1 which states, “Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” How often have I sought to build up my house, and I’ve tried by my own strength to guide my children in good and right? And I read the Word of God and I see what God calls us to do and how He calls us to live, and who He commands us to be, and I look at Him and say, “Lord, I’ve toiled all night, and I have caught nothing. Nevertheless, because you’ve told me to, I will do as you say.” And when I truly obey, doing things His way, every time without fail the LORD comes through and blesses over, above, and beyond what I can imagine.

Unless we are following and working as God has commanded us to work, our work will not produce the fruit that we are seeking to produce. For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Nor does the strength of man bring about the work of God. Jesus said that the work of His Father was to believe in Him – to trust in Jesus, to follow Him – and when we do that, we’ll have rivers of living water flowing out from within us! If we come to Jesus and believe – if we trust – if we pick up our cross and lay down our life – put off the old man, and put on the new – He is faithful to His Word! He calls that which is not, as though it were. His Word resurrects and makes alive what was dead, makes light shine out of darkness, and makes something cherished and useful out of something that was worthless.